Microsoft Office Technical Support

File and Folder Attributes

Friday, March 27, 2009

Understanding the attributes of a file in windows xp is really very simple. Following are the attributes in windows xp -


-Read only – These are the files which can only be read by the user. The user cannot make any change in that file and cannot delete anything from that file. If the user wants to make any change in the file then he has to save the copy of file where he can make changes.


- Hidden – There are some which can be hiding in the Microsoft windows xp. So that user can protect then unintended access. Windows xp hides critical system files and folders to protect them from deletion or modification. You can view hidden files and folders by selecting the option to show hidden files and folders in the Folder Options dialog box on the View tab.


- Ready for Archiving - File that has not been backed up recently. When a

backup utility backs up a resource, it marks the resource as archived. If the

resource changes in any way, the archived flag is removed.

In addition to the Hidden file attribute, Windows xp displays a warning message when

the following critical files are accessed:

System Volume The entire system volume is protected from access by users

with limited rights.

■ Program Files This folder contains the majority of application-specific files on

the computer and is therefore protected.

■ Windows The system folder contains the operating system and is protected.

More on Microsoft windows xp>>

View a file type in a different program for one time

Change the default way that a file type opens in windows XP

Understanding File and Folder Types


View a file type in a different program for one time

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In my earlier post we discussed about how to change the default program of a file to make it open in other program forever in Microsoft windows xp. And in this post I m discussing about how to view a file in a different program for once only.  It is very simple.

Let’s take an example, if I want to make some changes in my picture and that file opens up in Picture and file viewer by default then I can open it another program to make changes in it. It is very simple, right click on the file, click on Open with and then select the program from the list. The file will open it selected program.

And if you are using Microsoft windows Vista and want to open the file with other program then also the same process follows.

Make sure

 The Open With dialog box includes the Always Use the Selected Program to Open

This Kind Of file check box. If you select this check box, the program will always open with this type of file. Do not select this check box if you do not want to make this program the default program. 

If you face any kind of trouble in Microsoft windows xp and Microsoft vista operating system,  then you can contact us at any point of time by dialing 1800 602 586, it’s a toll free number.

More on windows xp>>

Change the default way that a file type opens in windows XP

File Name Extensions

Understanding File and Folder Types

How to manage files and folder types in Windows Xp