Microsoft Office Technical Support

Moving and Copying Compressed Files and Folders in Windows XP

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When you move and copy compressed files and folders in Microsoft Windows, those files and

Folders are affected in the following manner:


  • When you move files and folders within the same NTFS volume, the compression attribute remains the same in the new location. For example, if files were compressed in the original location, they will remain compressed in the new location, even if the new parent folder is not compressed.


  • When you copy files and folders in windows xp within the same volume, the ompression attribute is lost, and the files will take on the compression attribute of the new parent folder.


  • When you move or copy files and folders to a different volume in Microsoft windows, the files and folders take on the compression attribute of the new parent folder.


  • When you move or copy files or folders to a volume that is formatted with FAT or FAT32, compression is lost because these file systems do not support compression.
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Supporting File Compression in Windows Xp

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

File compression reduces the amount of disk space that is required to store files and increases the amount of information that you can place on a single volume. This is useful on a volume that is running low on available disk space. Windows XP Professional supports file compression on NTFS volumes only.

You can enable compression for an entire NTFS volume, for one or more folders, or for individual files. Each file and folder has its own compression attribute that you can control on an individual basis.

Windows provides compression entirely through NTFS and after a file or folder is compressed, that compression is transparent to applications and users in Microsoft windows. The NTFS compression filter automatically decompresses files into memory when you open them and compresses any files again when they are saved to the disk.

To enable compression of a volume, folder, or file on an NTFS partition, follows these Steps:

1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the volume, folder, or file that you want to compress and select the Properties option from the action menu.

2. In the Properties dialog box for the volume, folder, or file, on the General tab, click Advanced.

3. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box, select the Compress Contents to Save Disk Space option and click OK.

4. If you have selected a folder that contains files and subfolders, you will be prompted to apply compression—either to the folder only or to the files and subfolders, Select the appropriate response and click OK.

More on Microsoft Windows Xp>>

Configuring Folder Options in Windows XP

File and Folder Attributes

View a file type in a different program for one time

Change the default way that a file type opens in windows XP

Understanding File and Folder Types

Configuring Folder Options in Windows XP

Monday, April 13, 2009

User can use folder options to resolve different types of service calls and request from end users. This can be accessed from folder options from the control panel or from the tools menu in Windows Explorer. There are four available tabs in the folder options dialog box.


  • General Tab

Use the options on this tab to change how folders look and how will they open when clicked.

We can configure Windows to use Windows classic folders for a pre-Windows XP look and feel, and opening a folder inside another folder can be configured easily to appear in different ways. We can configure folders so that the new folder opens either in the same window or in a different one and can also configure folders to open with a single- or double-click.


  • View Tab

Use the options on this tab to apply folder views system-wide (Details, Tiles, Icons, and so on) or to reset the folder views to their default. Configure advanced settings to remember (or not remember) each folder’s view settings, to show (or not show) pop-up descriptions of folder and desktop items, to use (or not use) Simple File Sharing, to automatically search for network folders and printers— and more in Microsoft windows xp.


  • File Types Tab

Use the options on this tab to view, add, or reconfigure which types of files open with which particular program. When an end user requests that a specific file open with a specific program, make that change here in Windows xp.


  • Offline Files

User can enable and configure offline files here. When offline files are enabled, a user can work on network files even if he or she is not connected to the network.


More on Microsoft windows xp support >>

File and Folder Attributes

View a file type in a different program for one time

Change the default way that a file type opens in windows XP

File Name Extensions

How to manage files and folder types in Windows Xp